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Pregnancy complications

22 11:37:40

I adopted a neighbors 4 year old aggressive female rabbit. (I already have 2 males and 1 sterile female) My backyard is extremely secure and lush with vegetation. I have always allowed my rabbits to roam free. Bugsy (the new rabbit) and I have bonded and she has turned into the most affectionate rabbit I have ever owned. However, recently I noticed that she had begun nesting in the backyard. Naively, I thought that because of her age that she could not reproduce.
Now she is having contractions (this is day 2) I have helped her deliver one stillborn kit but I have not seen any other kits arrive and she is still experiencing contractions. My fear is that because of her age we are having some serious complications here. I am not sure what to do at this point. What should I do?

Thank you. Lori

Dear Lori,

You are very kind and obviously a wonderful bunny mom to be able to bond with this special bunny.  If she is still having contractions, you need to get her to a good rabbit vet NOW.  If you don't already have one, please find one via the list linked here:

She will very likely need to be spayed, but the longer this goes on, the greater the risk to her life.  I hope all will be well, and am sending healing vibes!

I hope this helps.  Please write back if you have any other questions, but please get her to the vet for emergency help ASAP.
