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Neutered Male Mini Lop, Urinating fro spite

22 10:57:57

Our mini lop is a 3 yr old male who has been fixed and is potty trained.  However, now it seems like if he is mad at us he will pee on the floor, on our bed, or sofa.  Can we retrain him, or is this now how he will continue to behave.
He has the run of the house, and an area where his food & liter box are.

Try spraying the spots where he has urinated with vinegar.  It will make it difficult to smell the area's.  If you catch him in the act try putting him in his cage for a time out.  It will either make him more mad at you or it will help him realize that he has been naughty.  I usually start with 5 minute time outs.  House rabbits hate being locked up and they usually learn pretty fast.  You can also use the word NO.  Very sternly say no.  

I think he has oppositional defiant disorder.  I am not really sure that has ever been diagnosed in rabbits but his bad habits are exactly what children do when they have the condition.  He can be broke, consistent no's and time outs should help.

I am attaching my favorite web-site.  It might give you hints to what you may be doing wrong.. and yes it does explain the peeing on the pillow phenomenon.
