Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > squeeling rabbit

squeeling rabbit

22 11:38:01

-Velvet live in a hutch with another rabbitit..  We think velvet is a girl and the other rabbit is male.  On the weekends we let the rabbits roam the back yard and lock them up at night.  During the week they stay in there hutch.  You have to get really close before she makes this noise.  When I touch her she makes the noise louder and more.  Thank You, Rachel------------------------
Followup To
Question -
When I get close to my rabbit it starts to squeel.  I have had my rabbits since August and this behavior just started yesterday.  What is my rabit trying to tell me.  Rachel
Answer -
I need more information to be able to answer this question.  Is the rabbit in a cage, free roaming, in a hutch?  Are there other rabbits with him?  How close can you come before he does this?  Does he do this when you don't touch him?

If you can give me some more information, hopefully I can determine what behavior he is exhibiting.



All I can think is either a) you don't smell right to her (whether it is lotion, perfume, or smoke), or b) she is warning you to stay away from her.  She is scared for some reason, but without actually being there and seeing her I can't tell you the reason why.

I hope this helps you out.
