Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Help!!


22 10:07:12

Hello Mr. Lee Meyer,

My rabbit just died yesterday, i don't know what happened, she was lying down and breathing slowly, and just couldn't stand up.. my mom and i went to the vet we asked the vet what happened? what is wrong with my rabbit? the vet said an ant bit my rabbit... is biting by an ant true that can cause a rabbit die?? please answer my question thank you..
                                              Truly Yours;
                                             Johrycel :)  


I am sorry to hear about your rabbit passing.

I think the best thing to do is be clear exactly about what the vet said.  If you are unsure you need to ask him/her again and have them explain it to you clearly.  And also have them explain the logic as to why they believe a particular kind of ant bit your rabbit and that was the primary cause of death.  They should be able to explain it clearly so you can understand, that's what you pay them for.

I can't really comment one way or the other, but it might be possible, given spiders and other small venemous insects might be able to kill a rabbit with a bite and venom that cause them to go into shock or paralyze nerves.  There might be an ant that can do it, but you need to discuss this with the vet until you understand the logic for their diagnosis.