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Bedding that I am using

22 11:24:29

I am using pine bedding for my rabbit and I read that this type of bedding might make my rabbit develop cancer overtime.  I just wanted to know if that was true because this lady I bought the rabbit from told me not to use cedar bedding because rabbits will die if they do, but she told me to use pine.  If it is true, I was wondering what type of bedding would be most suitable for my rabbit.

Thank You!!


There's an article you might want to check out at about softwood shavings.  

There are other litters that don't have this issue, such as CareFresh and Yesterday's News.  

Cedar bedding definitely isn't good for you or the bunny (I personally am allergic to cedar).

But you make the final decision about what kind of bedding you want to use, since the bunny is yours.
