Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > should I feed her unlimited pellets?

should I feed her unlimited pellets?

22 10:06:04

My Lionhead had 4 kits 10 days ago.  She now feels very heavy because she's getting unlimited pellets.  The kits were 40gm at birth but at least 150gm now.  Their eyes just opened and now they feel a little bit firmer instead of blobs of fat.  When should I cut down on the pellets?

Hi Tom. It sounds like your little family is doing well. I would not cut down on the pellets but I would add hay to their diet. This will naturally reduce the amount of pellets that they eat and keep their intestines in great shape. Make sure that the hay is of very good quality orchard grass or timothy. I would not cut back on their pellet until they are six weeks old. If they are really fat at that time you can start to cut back, a little at a time, till they are at the weight that feels right for them.  Pat