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Rabbit disorders

22 11:38:02

What is wry neck and can it be helped

Dear Alex,

Wry neck, or torticollis, is a condition that causes the bunny's head to tilt over to the side.  It can be caused by many different things, including trauma, ear infection, or infection by the parasite Encephalitozoon cuniculi--anything that interferes with proper function of the vestibular organ, which the rabbit uses for balance control.  

Head tilt *is* treatable, though some uninformed vets (and breeders and pet store owners who want you to buy another rabbit) will sometimes tell you that the condition warrants euthanasia.  It does NOT!  

Please read the following:

for information on how to help your bunny through head tilt, and once you have, please write back if you have any other questions.  

If you need to find a good rabbit vet, please use the list linked here:

I hope this helps!
