Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Genital area of a male rabbit

Genital area of a male rabbit

22 10:32:34

Hi Lee
My rabbit is a castrated 5 year old male rabbit

1.  As I was flipping him over to clean his genital area yesterday I noticed something different from what I use to see every grooming week.

2)  U know when u flip over a rabbit, you will see the anus area as well as the 2 scent gland area.  Slightly above the scent gland area, there is an area there feels a little spongey when u touch it.  There is one on each side. Is it call a genital mound?  

3)  I noticed that the spongy area on the left side is slightly more boulge out compared to the right side. The right side is flat, and alittle flaky with the scent gland residue. So usually I will clean that area.  

4)  The left side is extremely clean with no scent gland residue but the whole are seem alittle balloned up and it is obvious that it is more round than the right side. When I press it, it feels spongy, and the rabbit don't seem to be affected by my pressing.

5)  When I tried pressing the other side, (the right side)the feeling is also spongey. Just that the one on the left side is more prominent and more balloned.

Is is abnormal? Daily activities wise seem the same so far. Eating, drinking, urinating, pooing, running around etc.

My concerns are

1)  Is it a sign of infection?  Is it a hernia? Will hernia feel hard or soft?

2)  Should I rush him to a vet now?

3)  I haven't been very professional with the cleaning of scent gland. Could it be due to over accumulation of dirty scent gland?

4)  Do castrated rabbtis get cancer over that area?

5)  is this consider chronic? Could it be pus? I need to highlight that last week I don't recall that area so obviously balloned. It is not an extremely big ballon but it is obvious to me.

Hi Angela,

my guess is that you are actually around the area where they have extra skin where his testicles used to be (the scrotal sac area).  That area may feel a little different as the muscles and fibers in there were designed so that the male could raise (into his body) and lower his testicles at will.  

But to be honest, the best thing to do would be to go to the vet and have him x-rayed, if you are worried about something internal.  Usually if it's cancer you will have other signs of a problem, like lethargy, mobility problems, coughing, acting sick signs.

The fact he's acting normal and you don't notice anything different otherwise makes me think he's fine.
