Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Why does my rabbit prefer to eat dog food?

Why does my rabbit prefer to eat dog food?

22 11:38:02

Since my rabbit just had babies a week ago,she prefers to eat my dog's dry dog food.I don't know if this is good for her or not. We moved the food to a place where she won't go. She still looks for it,but eventually will give up and eat her pellet's. Will dog food hurt my rabbit?

Dear Patricia,

She might be attracted to the dog food while she's nursing because of the extra salt and protein, which are probably okay for her while she's nursing.  But once the babies are weaned, don't let her eat the dog food.  Its high protein content is too hard on the kidneys for long term use.

Please see:

for more information on diet.  And you might also want to have a look here:

Noserubs to mama and babies!
