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Sore spots

22 11:26:48


A few weeks ago I noticed a small (about an inch) sized sore spot bellow my rabbits shoulder. It looked a bit like an open wound and all the fur around it had fallen out and the rabbit was constantly licking at it.
It didn't seem to be causing the rabbit any pain but just aggravating him so we called our local rabbit breeder who gave him a collar. We went to the vets who gave us some cream and told us to apply it every night. The spot eventually turned into a scab and fell off then the fur started to grow back. Sadly more of these spots are appearing over the rabbits back and the vet said it may be a cause of mite bites but after applying anti mite gel there seems to be no effect and more spots are appearing around the higher back.
Can you suggest the reason and hopefully a cure to this strange problem?


Did the vet do a skin scraping to look under the microsope and see exactly what is on his back?  He could have mites, lice, ringworm, or several other nasty parasites.  

At this web site, is a list of different skin conditions that rabbits can get, you might check to see if any sound like what your rabbit has.  The article by Dana Krempels has pictures also so you might be able to match up what he may have to one of the pictures.

Good luck, and I hope you are able to relieve his pain.
