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skin problem on a rabbit

22 10:37:04

looking for help. very old rabbit has the look of dandruff, with flaking. hair is thinning. i read someone suggested an iodine mix with mild horse shampoo. also saw another that said treat for mites. how does on do that? is the shampoo idea safe, i know rabbits can be very sensitive.thanks va

You may want to do some reading on mites. I've never dealt with them personally, so I'm afraid I cannot advise you on what to look for. Here are some resources on Skin Problems in rabbits:

You may want to seek out a vet's input. You can find a rabbit savvy veterinarian from the House Rabbit Society's list:

And, if finances are an issue, some vets will offer payment plans. CareCredit is also a way to get the extra funds you need for vet bills:

Hope that helps!