Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > acting sick

acting sick

22 10:36:41

i just got my bunny 3 days ago and up to today he has been very active and playful and today he is very quite and not curious like usual i don't think she is sick because she is drinking and she ate her food and favorite treat is it normal for her to be acting this way,

Dear Kate,

Please read:

for instructions on how to tell if your bunny is sick and what to do if she is.  It's good that she's eating and drinking.  It may be that she's just settling into her new surroundings and not being as curious as a normal part of her development.  But it's good to be safe.  If her appetite decreases, she should be seen by a good rabbit vet:

to be sure all is well.

Good luck with your new pal!
