Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > thin hair on ears

thin hair on ears

22 10:42:57

Is it normal for young bunnies (8 weeks) to have thin hair on their ears.  One bunny has even less than his sibling. No flakes, dryness or other indications for mites.  
If it is normal, when should it begin filling in?

Dear Jennifer,

The ears usually have much less fur than the rest of the body, and always will.  This helps the rabbit use them for thermoregulation (control of body temperature), which would be more difficult with furry insulation.

Different individuals vary in the degree of fur on their ears, but the ears usually become slightly more furry as the bunny reaches maturity.  As long as you don't see any sign of irritated skin or flakiness, I would not worry.

If you *do* see flakes or crust, then please read:

and find a good vet here:

Hope that helps.
