Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > new bunny,am i rushing it?

new bunny,am i rushing it?

22 10:42:58

i just got a new bunny(1st one) yesterday hut is HUGE but its on my deck.I let him relax all yesterday so he could adjust to his new home.then today i took him i my playspace and did everything right!he crawled on me and seemed to be very daring and fun.My sister got one too so they get along perfect.It seems my bunny(charlie)is happy but do you think im rushing it too much and that hes gunna be stressed and turn later???I pick him up too.

Please answer!
~thanks alot

sicerly,the bunny loverr.

Hello Little Miss Bunny Lover!!!

You are absolutely not rushing anything.  You play with that bunny as much as you can.  The more you play with it while it is young the better chance you have of him being nice when he gets older.  

There are a few things that do concern me though.  First of all if your sisters rabbit is a girl you really don't want them to play together until you can get your bunny neutered.  If you do you are going to end up with accidental babies and even though they are cute believe me you don't want them.  You have to find homes for all of them and half of them if not all end up in undesirable places such as someone's dinner plate.  I would never want that to happen to you.  So please take your boy bunny to get neutered as soon as he gets old enough and don't let him play with your sisters bunny until he has been fixed.

Also remember that as Charlie gets older his hormones will start to rage.  He will act like a typical teenage brat and he will be hard to control.  Once you get him neutered it will stop this behavior too.

Good luck Mera and if you ever need anything else I am almost always here.
