Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > bumps on my rabbits ears

bumps on my rabbits ears

22 10:16:56

hello, just recently i have noticed that my rabbit's ears are changing. it began by being a lot more firm, seemingly swolen. now i have noticed that near the ends of his ears there are many small hard bumps. the bumps are not obviousely seen but you can definitely feel them. the bumps aren't quite pink, more of a yellowish color. he is often shaking his head, cleaning the insides of his ears, and scratching them. if you could please inform me of what this is and if it's serious enough that he needs to see a vet, it would be greatly appreciated.
thank you very much.

Dear Cynthia,

It sounds as if your bunny is suffering the early stages of mange or ear canker, both of which are caused by microscopic, parasitic mites.  Please read this for complete information on diagnosis and safe treatment:

This will have to be treated by a vet who is very familiar with rabbits, and you can find one here:

The best and safest treatment is Revolution (selamectin) from the vet. DO NOT USE FRONTLINE, which is deadly to rabbits.

I hope this helps.