Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Bunny Hair Pulling

Bunny Hair Pulling

22 10:41:13

I have a male rabbit, Binky, for about 2 years. He has a very large place to live (15x80 feet).

Recently I introduced a female bunny to his area. Missy. He of course was interested in mating constantly and madly. That has calmed down to almost nothing, but on the third day she's been here she's started pulling out his fur. Almost down to his skin.

They seem to be friends. They sleep together and cuddle, and he doesn't even move when she's pulling his hair out, but I wanna know, should this be stopped? is she hungry? Is it aggression? Please help!

Dear Andrew,

I hope the two bunnies are spayed/neutered, because if they're not you are in for a surprise:

The fur pulling could be overgrooming behavior due to stress or boredom, so be sure they have lots of toys and plenty of free running time outside the hutch or this will become ingrained behavior.

Please also read:


Hope that helps.
