Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Pregers Bunny

Pregers Bunny

22 10:58:29

QUESTION: It's been a week since my bunny built her nest and she's been guarding it ever since. Yesterday she spent a lot of time in it and today she's just sitting in it. Also the last couple days she hasn't eaten or drank as much as usual. Is this a sign she's about to have her babies?
ANSWER: If she was bred yes.  There is what is called a false pragnancy - which happens when a mature female is mounted by an infertil male or female.  A false PG lasta 17 days and the doe can make a nest, pull fur and even have milk with no kits.  If she is bred then she most likely is about to kindel.  Enjoy !!

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QUESTION: Well, My sweet little Rain was having a false PG. I took her to the vet after she started acting really sleepy and they did an ultra sound.

So, I was just curious, is it safe to try breeding her again, or should I wait for certain amount of time?

Thanks for your time.
ANSWER: Jill, the question is why is she really sleepy ?  That is not part of a false Pregnancy.  

If her health is good she can be bred right away.  Check her vulva, it should be bright pink and moist.  If not check each day until it is and then take her to the buck.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Well the vet told me she was sleepy because we were having a bit of a heat wave and she was responding to that. She told me to turn a fan on in the room where her cage is and low and behold she perked right bsck up. But trust me, I was worrie d when she wasn't herself.

Thanks for your help, and I have one last little thing I was curious about. Do female rabbits ever tease the males. She is currently out running around with her mate and she likes to nuzzle him then swat down like she wants to be bred, but as soon he hops over, she gets up and hops off. Is that just her playing around or is it part of the whole mating act?

Thanks again for answering all my questions.

Of course it all part of the mating game Jill - she is after all a female ! The bad part is that this way you will not be sure when she mated.  Start counting from now and at 28 days separate her from the buck.  Put her in her cage with a nest and be patient since you will not know when they did the deed.