Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > meat rabbit with swollen testicles

meat rabbit with swollen testicles

22 9:46:42

We have a four month old white rabbit...left over from FFA school program.  I noticed both testicles are quite swollen and red.  Could this be a hormonal thing since the rabbit is quite young?  I cannot get to a vet since it is late Saturday.  My local vet won't be open again until Monday morning. What can I do until then?  I don't want him to suffer unnecessarily, but would prefer not to use an ER vet on call that may not know enough about rabbits.

Hi Donna,

Is he acting out of sorts in any other way??  Is he still eating and drinking normally?  Rabbits testicles will look bigger when they are hot.  He may have an infection but without seeing what they look like I can't say for sure.  If he is acting out of the ordinary in any other way your only choice is to take him to the emergency hospital and hope that they have an exotic animal vet on staff.  Most 24 hour emergency animal hospitals do have someone on staff that knows how to care for rabbits.  I would keep an eye on him and if you notice any changes in his behavior I would get him there right away.  If not he will probably be ok until Monday.

Good luck
