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Rabbit is acting strange...

22 10:00:51

About 2 months ago my 2 year old female rabbit was diagnosed with a hairball in her intestine. I took her to the vet and he prescribed an antibiotic and a mineral oil for her. I took care of her and she pulled through and cleared the blockage. She had been fine since then, until today. I gave her and my two other rabbits a piece of banana they were all fine except for her. I later gave them a small piece of lettuce each and she seemed uninterested. She doesn't want to eat or drink. Her ears are cold and she was shivering. I put a towel around her to try and keep her warm and it seems to work but I am very worried about her. I plan to take her to the vet in the morning. In the mean time is there anything I can do to help her hang in there until the visit to the vet?


you have to get her to the vet immediately.  Just warm up a gel heating pad, wrap it in a dishtowel, put it in her carrier and rest her on it, and get her to the vet or emergency vet immediately.  These are not good signs, they are signs of going into shock.

Get her in right away!!!!