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My rabbit refuses to leave his cage!

22 10:06:18

Hi i've read that it's unhealthy for rabbits to spend their whole day in the cage and that it's necessary for them to come out and spend some time running outside. but my rabbit refuses/doesn't like to come out of his cage and as far as i've read it's not good to force them out. is there anything i can do about this?


make sure that the ramp or whatever is not so slick for them to use.  they have so much fur on their toes that they will slip if they don't have it carpeted or covered with something that cna give them traction.

Also you can always put a small treat on the ramp or steps and get him to work his way out.  Rabbits are often shy about exploring and they will naturally be cautious, so don't worry if it takes time.  You may not even want to offer him the entire room, but use a pet exercise gate to give him the room around his cage first, then gradually expand the area to the whole room.  It is a big deal to a bunny.

Also keep in mind once you are letting him use a space, don't go changing things around in that space. Keep things where they are, you need to provide them consistency.  Big furniture changes and stuff like that will freak him out, so don't just do it without understanding there will be consequences.

Put a litterpan out in the play area with some hay inside the litterpan along with the litter, and put a water bowl out next to the litterpan.  Don't feed meals out of the house.  Best thing to do is to let him out a few hours before a mealtime, generally the evening meal, so that after a few hours outside playing in the area, you can put his dinner in his house, and he will go up on his own, and you can tuck him in for the night then.  Lot better than picking him up and putting him back in yourself.