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Why did my rabbits die?

22 10:06:18

I rescued 2 rabbits from a local animal shelter, they were both outside rabbits and that is what they became when I got them. We only had one cage when I brought them home and of course they reproduced. I sold all of their babies but one, it was a girl so we put her with the mom. When we moved we put them against a tree line, so they could get sunshine and shelter from the rain. Last week I went to feed them and noticed the mom acting strange. I went to get her and she was limping as if one side of her body was weak. I talked with a friend that breeds rabbits and he believed that she had a stroke and probably wouldn't make it much longer. When I returned home she was dead. The other 2 were acting fine until I noticed the baby (she was with the mom) was laying weird in the cage. I got closer and noticed she was dead. She still had her eyes opened and wasn't swollen like her mom was when she died. She was fine the day before so it had to have happened over night. The dad is doing fine and we see no change in him. If you have any idea what might have caused their death please let me know, I don't want to loose another one.


Dear Jess,

I am sorry about the loss of your bunnies.

Sadly, there is absolutely no way to confidently ascertain a cause of death without a post-mortem exam, preferably including histopathology of major organ tissues.  The signs you describe are very vague, and could have been due to any of dozens of different things.

If you noticed signs of unusual behavior before he died, then please read:

which might give some clues.  But unless you can provide a lot more specific information, this is the best I can offer.  Consider the possibility of pesticides or other toxins in the vicinity, since these were outdoor rabbits.

If the bodies have been kept very cold (not frozen), and it has been less than 24 hours since death, a necropsy may still be possible, if you feel that would give you closure and peace of mind.  You can find an experienced rabbit vet here:

to call and find out what your options might be.

This is one very important reason that we recommend rabbits be kept indoors:  you can monitor their behavior and health much more closely than if they are outdoors, and protect them from potential dangers much more effectively.  Please see:

for more complete information.

I am very sorry for your loss.
