Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > found injured baby wild rabbit

found injured baby wild rabbit

22 11:19:17

I found a baby wild rabbit this morning in our front yard our cat was after it.  It does have a small flap of fur and skin torn about an inch.  It is bleeding hardly at all.  We have no animal rehabilitation places around here.  Is it safe for me to try and raise it with your help? What do I do to repair the injury and what do I feed it.  Its about the size of a softball and its eyes are open.  Its not that afraid and lets us pick him up and hold him.

You can feed the baby, there's information on what to use and the amounts at  I would guess the bunny is 3-4 weeks old and may already be weaned.

For the tear on his skin, you can use triple antibiotic cream, just make sure he doesn't lick it off.  Rabbits have very thin skin and it tears very easily.

Good luck.
