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Wild baby rabbit; questions and concerns

22 9:42:14

Hello Dana, yesterday I was walking my neighbor's dog when she got into a rabbits nest. All of the babies were fine except for one, who has a pretty substantial cut going from his right eye to about the middle of his forehead. The baby's eyes were closed, however the cut ripped his right eye open, but there is no response from him when I move near or around d his eye, which leads me to believe he can't and probably won't be able to see out of it. I put a powdered clotting agent on the cut to stop the bleeding and it has since begun to close up. His eyes are still closed, and his ears opened today. I am feeding him a rabbit milk replacement formula from the pet store, which also came with a small tube of stuff that is supposed to help them grow the proper digestive bacteria.
I am not really sure how much to feed him, however. My friend who has rehabbed wild rabbits before told me to look for a "milk line" but i am not really sure what/where that is or how to find it. I am scared that I'm under feeding him because I'm afraid to over feed him.
I am also having a hard time stimulating him to go to the bathroom, do you have any tricks for that? He seems to be settling in alright, but I know raising baby bunnies can be really tough.
I haven't seen the mother come back to the nest in a while either, I put some sticks across it but they weren't moved.Should I go get his 5 other siblings and care for them as well? Would I keep the other 5 separate from him, seeing as they will be returning to the wild and he won't?
Thanks and hope to hear from you soon!

Dear Rachel,

Definitely DO NOT get the other siblings!  A cottontail this tiny is nearly impossible to raise successfully, and truly this baby's best chance is for you to take him back to the nest, rub him with plucked grass, and put him back with the other babies.  Mother will feed him along with the rest.

Baby cottontails are extremely susceptible to the E. coli we have all over us, and if you can get a small dose of oral ciprofloxacin into him before returning him, it will help reduce the E. coli population that might have been introduced.  

Alternatively, find a wildlife rehabber who is experienced with raising baby cottontails and get him there ASAP:

Finally, if none of this is feasible, then there is excellent information here:

I hope this helps, and that the baby will be fine.
