Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > HELP!!!


22 10:48:56

Hi, my rabbit died last night in my arms. She had a seizer, had swollen cheeks and a swollen tounge. I jsut want to know hat happened to her! Was it an alergic reation or a sickness give me everything you think. We think that she got stung in the face by a wasp a couple of times. (We have those all over  by her cage. the are MUD WASPS) what was wrong with her? Did she go in pain?

Hi Kelsey

I am so sorry about the loss of your bunny.  I know how hard it is.  The swelling of her tongue could have indicated and allergic reaction or just a block of her airway.  Unfortunately without an autopsy it is impossible to tell.  I am so very sorry that you couldn't convince your mom to rush her to the hospital when you noticed the symptoms.  It may not have helped anyway so don't beat yourself up.

Since she was in your arms and she loved you very much it was very peaceful for her.  She obviously loved you and was trying so hard to hold on for you.  I am giving you a web-site that helps you deal with the loss of a pet.  Please turn on the sound as I think it makes the whole site.

I hope you will find some comfort in this site.  I worked on it a great deal for my friends web-site because I truly believe that my animals will all be waiting for me when its my turn to go.  I find great comfort knowing that when they pass that they are no longer in pain.  Hopefully you can find some peace as well.

I am so very sorry for your loss.
