Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > my new bunny is acting weird

my new bunny is acting weird

22 10:48:53

hi. i just got this 6 wk old bunny 3 days ago and i think something is wrong with it. like 2 days ago it was cleaning itself but it kept on itching so it was scratching itself. i thought it would go away. but today it got worse and now it keeps twiching and jumping on it's side because it is irritated. im not sure if its flees but i really dont want it to get sick. ive changed its cage and water everyday. do u have an idea of whats going on with it????? pleaz help

Hi Bella

First of all a 6 week old bunny is too young to be taken away from its mother.  They aren't supposed to be weaned from their mother until they are 8 weeks old.  This just tells me that the people you got it from clearly didn't have a clue about proper bunny care.  This makes me think that it could have fur mites or even fleas.  

The best thing for your bunny is to get it to a qualified veterinarian right away.  Since it was too young to be taken away it is going to need a good thorough exam to make sure it is ok.  They will also check and treat for parasites and potential stomach issues from being taken away to early.

Please make sure that you give the baby as much hay as she will eat until you can get it to the doctor.  Don't wait either.  The longer it has stress from the problem the more likely it is to have GI problems.  Baby bunnies are prone to stomach problems to begin with and any kind of stress can make them much worse.

Good luck and I hope your little one is ok.

