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Rabbit urinating herself

22 9:39:41

My 4 year old rabbit keeps on urinating on herself. So much she stinks the whole room and it is all wet from her tail to her stomach. She has never done this since the past years I have had her. She  is also already spayed. Why is she doing this and what will be the best possible way to help her.

Thank you

Hi Carol,

Anytime a rabbit is acting different than normal it usually means they need to see a vet.  She could have a kidney infection or she could have arthritis or another condition that is causing her to not be able to lift her hind end when she urinates.  I have had rabbits that have done this and with the exception of the occasional piggy boy bunny they almost always have an issue internally that is causing it.

I would strongly suggest that you schedule an appointment with your vet to get a urine screen and a blood test.  I wish there was another answer I could give you but it would be really impossible for me to tell without these tests results.

Good luck
