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Rabbit with congestion

22 9:59:47

Hello Dana.  This rabbit had a retrobulbar abscess which I used bicillen to treat and it worked wonders.  4 months later she is  breathing fast (it was intermittent) now it has been going on for 3 days.  She has congestion in her lungs and breathes too fast.  Sometimes she has a cough (perhaps 2 x day, just a quick cough)  Her nose has a bit of mucous or fluids in it and I hear sounds in her chest too.  Thought CHJ, but perhaps pasturella is coming back and affecting her lungs?  She rests, eats well, poops but watching her breathe fast scares me and I am not able afford a vet at this time.  Please help.  I have bicillin and pen g as well as ciproflaxin.  Can she use a nebulized xopenex (what I use for asthma to open up my airways).Thanks so much for your time!

Dear Jen,

Of course the best thing would be to get her to a rabbit-savvy vet right away.  I don't want to suggest that this is not the best way to go.

But if you truly, honestly cannot get her to a vet, then putting her on bicillin and ciprofloxacin might save her life until you *can* get her to the vet.  If you know how to safely give an intramuscular injection, then this will get the Penicillin into her system faster.  But this is more risky than subQ, and may be more likely to elicit anaphylactic reaction if she has developed sensitivity to penicillin.  So don't try it if you've not been instructed by your vet.

But from what you describe, she may have pneumonia, and her life is in the balance.  We have used the combination of Pen-G/bicillin and ciprofloxacin safely to achieve broad-spectrum coverage, and since your bunny sounds to be very ill, I'd have to say I'd err on the side of being aggressive.

If you can possibly get her some subQ fluids, that will help loosen mucus in her lungs and allow her to bring it up and out.  Letting her sit in a bathroom with steam (turn on the hot shower, but don't let her get under it!) will also help.  

I have just heard of some vets now trying a bit of Robitussin Guaifenisin, which has guaifenesin to loosen mucus, and can help with coughing (stopping spasm coughing, but still allowing the mucus to come up).  I've never tried this, but your girl might benefit from it.  The only dose I've heard suggests 0.35ml for a rabbit of about 8 lbs.

You can also buy a nebulizer at CVS or Walgreen's for about $30, and this can help tremendously. You just have to rig a bunny mask, but something as simple as a plastic cup and some wax will do, if you're creative.

I hope this helps.
