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bum bum my rabbit

22 11:26:37

I wanted to know if you could tell me what kind of rabbit i have. I have a female rabbit that is white with brown patches around her eyes and a patch on her back. She is also kind of mean. When you try to pet her in her cage sge tries to attck you. Also i wanted to know how much she should weigh. She looks fat but i cannot tell because she has so much fur. Also how much food and excersise should we give her. She is almost a year  and some months old. We usually sont give her excersise at all because she is so viscious. I have tried to pet her and hold her and brush her but i cant get near her. we also have problems feedin her without attcking us. we dont give her fruit so i wonder if we should. I found out online that i should just stick to hay and pellets. Also i was aondering if you know how much it would cost to take a rabbit to a vet.

Im sorry for all these questions but ineed help!!!

Please help me. Thank you
helen Vu

It sounds as if she is a mixed breed rabbit rather than any particular breed.

If she has not been spayed, she can be aggressive.  Unspayed female rabbits can act like a human female with a very bad case of PMS.  Only in the rabbit it doesn't go away unless she is spayed.

If she has "love handles" she is probably too large.

You can find diet info at  Hay and pellets are fine, but if she is large you may need to cut back on pellets.  I would probably not feed her fruit unless you know she's at her right weight.

The cost for a vet depends on your area.  You can find a list of rabbit vets at

If you can get her spayed, that will fix a lot of her problems, and then you will be able to interact with her more.
