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rabbits patella is broken

22 10:15:33


broken patella
My bunny broke her patella. I think she must have banged her knee to something. The vet took an X-ray which showed her left patella is broken into two pieces. The upper one is quite a long way from where it should be. The vet said that it may cause complications to do a surgery and retrieve the misplaced bone back to the knee. So right now my bunny is on glucosamine sort of med (i know it works on humans for better bone structure). I'm seeking for a second opinion. Also, should I provide any kind of calcium supplement? (could it cause urinary blockage? or stones?)
Thank you so much for your help!

Dear Ariel,

Ow!  Poor bunny!

My recommendation would be to find another rabbit vet:

for a second opinion about the advisability of surgery to remove the wayward bone.  It's possible that it's best to leave it where  it is, but this might cause pain/complications down the road.  Best to know that now.

A boarded veterinary orthopedic surgeon could be consulted to find out how this would be treated in a dog or cat, and what complications would arise if it were left "as is" in those species.  Rabbits are quite different, of course.  But a vertebrate skeleton is a vertebrate skeleton, and many of the same rules might apply.  Best to find out now, while the injury is still fresh.

I hope this helps.
