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My bunny may be having a false pregnancy?

22 10:37:29

Hello. I have two bunnies, one male and one female.
They have never been placed together. I believe that she may be having a false pregnancy, because she was stuffing her mouth with shavings, putting them in her plastic house, and then when i would touch her she would make little squeaking noises. So i read on the internet that she may be having a false pregnancy, and the best thing to do was to give her a small stuffed toy and she would think it was her baby,.. So I did so, and she just sniffed it alot the first night and recently doesn't pay much attention to it now. But now when i even put my hand in to touch her, or to take her out, she pretty much attacks me. I can't even so much as pet her without her making noises, or trying to bite me. I don't know what to do! She is only about three months old. Should I take her toy away from her? or just leave her alone? Please any information will help!!!!

HI Ashley,

well if the separate cages are an inch apart or closer (like right next to each other or sharing the same wire wall), she could actually be pregnant.  If there is any way one could hop into the others' space, she could be pregnant.  

I'd give her a couple days, false pregnancies take about 16 days (about two weeks) for a female rabbit to get back to normal - for the pregnancy hormones to drop.  She will be more territorial and protect her spaces, like her house.  Just try to spend some time petting her if you can and then do a little work (like fresh water, etc) then pet her again, then a little more work.  If she builds a nest, don't destroy it, just let her have it.  When she's acting more normal, clean it up if you need to.

I would recommend two things:  get your rabbits fixed so you don't have accidental litters or false pregnancies to deal with - also your female rabbit will live longer as over 80% of unspayed females develop uterine cancer and die by age 5-6.  Getting her fixed she will live 10-12 years like a normal indoor house rabbit.  

Second would be to go to the House Rabbit web site ( and search their articles on 'false pregnancy' and also 'pregnant'.
