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Bunny stomach gurgling

22 9:59:17

Hi. I have a 7 year old dwarf rabbit. He used to eat only pellets and apples mainly with occasional veg. I've recently changed his diet to minimise pellets and promote more veg and he's taken to it very well. He eats well, his poo is normal and he's bouncing around and seems very happy but i've noticed last few days his stomach seems to be gurgling or rumbling. Is this normal? I've been careful not to change his diet too fast.

Dear Rebecca,

He might be gassy due to GI tract slowdown.  Please read:

Note that a seven year old rabbit may be starting to develop molar spurs, so please read:

Dental problems can cause GI slowdown and gas, so a good vet will be needed to check his teeth and give him an overall wellness exam.  For now, simethicone (pediatric) will help him pass the gas before it starts to cause pain and a downward spiral. :(

Hope this helps.
