Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Safe materials for bunnies

Safe materials for bunnies

22 9:59:17

QUESTION: Bamboo mats, are they toxic for bunnies?  If so, it was my intention to wrap the ramps i made in with bamboo maps, what do you suggest i use if its toxic.


ANSWER: Dear Jeet,

As long as they are not treated with pesticides that leave residues or varnished with anything, bamboo mats are not toxic.  Beware if they are sewn with synthetic strings, though.  If bunnies ingest long pieces of string, it can be very dangerous.

Hope this helps.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks Dana for your reply about Bamboo.

Just a quick question again.  I've heard that Pine wood is not good for bunnies.  Are there any types of wood you would recommend i can use? I was using chip board for the ramps, but if they chew through the bamboo I'm assuming that the chip board is not good for them to chew.

Thanks again for your reply,


Dear Jeet,

Pine is fine as long as it is not varnished or pressure treated.  As long as it's naked, untreated pine, it's fine for chewing.

What you might be confusing is pine shavings for litter, which are not recommended, as they exude harmful aromatic compounds that can cause respiratory irritation and other problems.  But untreated, unvarnished pine is fine.

Hope this helps.
