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Female rabbit humping male

22 9:42:10

I have been breeding rabbits for 16 years, years ago I was registered with the ARBA as Goss' Bunny Farm. I now raise pure bred Mini lops, I recently, put a 7 month old doe in with an experienced buck, It was the first time she was in with a buck. I have seen females hump the male many times, its a normal thing but this female was different, after she humped him for a few seconds she flopped on her side like males do. Thinking there was something wrong with it I checked to see if I was wrong all the times I checked her, just to make sure she was female, she is female and she was wet with what looked like male semen. Through the years I have studied every book I could find, I have learned as much about rabbits as I can, I know more about rabbits then the local veterinarian. In 16 years of raising  rabbits I have never seen this before, I cant find any information on this happening. I guess my question is, was this a female orgasm, if it could have been how could it effect breeding? Or do I just have a strange rabbit?

Hi Richard,

Obviously you have enough experience that I don't need to give you an anatomy lesson.  If you are sure the rabbit is not a male with a split penis then I think what you have is a 'strange' rabbit.  We have a bonded pair of females that have lived together for over 5 years.  Neither of them are spayed and I was watching them one day and one of them mounted the other and did the same exact thing.  I was so concerned that I immediately took her out to look to make sure she wasn't a male that I had over looked.  Now this happens frequently.  She does have some white discharge when she does this and she even falls over and sometimes squeals.  I think that it is some kind of orgasm but clearly not enough research has been done on this to know for sure.  

As for breeding I wouldn't worry about it to much.  Clearly she wants to be bred and possibly she is just getting over excited.  I would try it the worst that could happen is that she wouldn't take and if that is the case I would really check again for genetic mutations such as hermaphroditism which is extremely rare in rabbits.

Good luck and I hope it works out for you.
