Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Rabbit isnt moving anything but its head

Rabbit isnt moving anything but its head

22 9:59:48

hello, my friend's rabbit isn't moving at all and is just moving its head, she's tried nudging her rabbit but the rabbit isn't moving at all, the rabbit eaten today but the guiney pig it lives with keep squeaking and snuggling up to the rabbit and her mom won't take the rabbit to the vets, what can my friend do that could save her rabbit?? x

Dear Sophie,

Your friend's mother is being unspeakably cruel and irresponsible by refusing to take the rabbit to the vet, because that is what MUST be done.  What sort of lesson is she teaching her child by letting this poor rabbit suffer without the medical attention s/he needs?

I hope perhaps you can ask *your* mother to intervene on the bunny's behalf, and perhaps offer to take the bunny to the vet.  Someone needs to teach your friend's mother a lesson about compassion.  If she were in this condition and no one took her to the doctor, how would she feel?  What's more, the negligent parties would probably be arrested for cruelty and neglect.  How horrible that there is no one to help this poor bunny.

Please find a rabbit vet via the International Vet Listings here:

and get the poor bunny to the vet, with or without your friend's mother.  Take the guinea pig along for moral support, since they are bonded, and the guinea pig's presence could help the bunny in this terrible, scary time for him.

I hope this all turns out well.  But you will not be able to help the bunny without getting him to the vet.  For emergency instructions, please read:

Get him to the vet ASAP.  NOW.
