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Rabbit back leg hurt

22 9:49:16

We took our rabbit to the vet and they said because hes old it is prob just arthritis and they gave us meds to help with pain. he was tolerant to the touching and feeling from the vet too not signs of pain.

how it all started:

we noticed he wasnt moving...but hes eating and drinking. He wont put his back left leg down, he wont even go into his litter.. hes 7 or 8 do you think its time to put him to sleep? hes been on meds for the last 3 days and no signs of improvement

Dear Katie,

Say what?  Would you euthanize a human family member because he or she started limping?  I don't understand why you would consider this option for your rabbit.  At the age of only seven or eight, he is by no means old.  Rabbits can live well into their teens.

There are many treatable causes for such problems, including injury, arthritis, and a parasite known as Encephalitozoon cuniculi.  Please read:

and especially the link to the article by Dr. Susan Brown.  This will explain some of the possible causes and their appropriate treatments.

If this is "just arthritis" as the vet suggests, then there are medications and supplements that can help.  Metacam and/or tramadol can offer great relief.  I know many people who swear by a product called Cetyl-M that helps restore joint mobility and lubrication.  So euthanasia is a bit extreme in a case like this.  Animals don't need euthanasia when they get a little creaky.  They need extra love and care, just as a human family member would.

I would recommend you get your bunny to a rabbit-savvy veterinarian, whom you can find here:

A rabbit-savvy vet will know the possibilities and what to do.

I hope this helps.
