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my doe is making nests

22 9:59:48

hi my 1 year old doe is making a nest she lives with my male who has been done so they cant mate she has started pulling her fur out and making a nest i was wondering if letting her have 1 litter will help her hormones a bit and settle her down. i have a few cages spare so i can easily separate them if she does have young.

Dear Hannah,

Letting your bunny have just one litter won't help her mood.  It will make it worse.  And it will add to the population of rabbits needing homes.  So I really would not recommend this.  It is very important that she be spayed for her health:  unspayed females have a very high risk of uterine cancer.  Please read:

and find a rabbit-savvy vet here:

Your bunny is nesting because she is having false pregnancies.  These will continue until she is spayed.

I hope this helps.
