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not hungry bunny

22 9:48:41

Patchie Baby
Patchie Baby  
I own a rabbit and she is 4 years and 2 months old. she has not been eating... at all, not a single pellet.. usually when i bring Baby out, she will get all excited and rush me to get her out of her cage.. after that, when we reach home, she would gobble her food and have a long nap..
but recently, my brother disturbed her while she was playing at my neighbour's house, by not letting her go back to her cage and seriously SHOCKING HER TO DEATH.. she came back nice and well... but for 4 days already, she has not been eating and she drinks very little water. Baby still acts normally but only her diet changes. Baby used to be very greedy too. we thought maybe she did not like the new pellets and we bought the old one instead... she is still not eating.. her poop became very small and little and there is a reddish-brownish liquid thing like pee. this has been going on for a few days.. Is darling Patchie  Baby going to die?? What's wrong?? i cannot loose her.. she is my life.. please reply as soon as possible... i beg of you please.....

Hi Sharon

Ok, you need to get your bunny to the vet ASAP.If she isn't accepting any food then she is going into GI stasis and this is not good. Sometimes from being startled, or being in pain a rabbit will voluntarily opt to not eat. Or, controversely if he's having bloat issues or hairballs etc. He will choose to not eat also and their systems begin to shut down faster sometimes then we'd like. It is crucial that you get food and water into him. Get him to the vet. They will give you critical care and help you with  force feeding.

First of all, find a good trusted Rabbit vet at They have listings throughout Canada and the US and beyond. An emergency vet does not treat rabbits appropriately in most cases.

This is an emergency. Treat it as such.

If you need help with force feeding or trying to make it more appealing for him etc. I will be happy to help.
