Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Blood IN the toenails

Blood IN the toenails

22 9:47:09

I have a bunny that is having trouble hopping lately.
Today I noticed that his toenails on his back feet are blood red where they are attached to his toes. This is on both back feet.
He has a type of blister on the side of one of his back feet & some hair loss on the bottom & sides of the back feet, slightly crusty skin where the hair is missing.
Can this be a disease of some type? The blood red color appears to be inside the nails. He appears to be pretty much healthy otherwise. I would appreciate your thoughts. Thank you

Dear Annie,

This could be a disease process such as severe mange, but you'd expect to see it on other areas of the body.  Without seeing this, I cannot know for sure, but it almost sounds as if it's an injury of some kind.  And from your description, it sounds as if it really needs immediate medical attention!

Please find a rabbit-savvy veterinarian here:

and get bun there for evaluation, diagnosis and treatment without delay.  If this is an injury (e.g., he got his feet crushed or caught somehow, causing massive trauma, or even exposure to some kind of caustic substance), then it needs attention NOW.  I hope you will get your bunny to the vet right away to prevent this from developing into something that might be life-threatening.

I hope this helps.
