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Baby Wild Rabbit Found very sick

22 11:19:41

I found a very young doe rabbit near a burrow on a hot day. It was hardly moving and flies were cicirling overhead. It was evidently very sick. I decided to move it to my work place and put her in a box with water and grass. It's body was in an awkward position and it may have been injured by a predator, she was very weak. The next day it was out out of her misery by a co worker, I was wondering what was wrong with her? Would she have recovered, she didn't eat any food or water at all?  

Dear Ian,

Without a post-mortem exam, there is absolutely no way to know why the rabbit died.  It could have been any of a thousand different things.  I am glad she is no longer suffering, and that you had the kindess to protect her in her last hours.

Take care,
