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Restless, uncomfortable rabbit

22 9:52:10

I have a dwarf rabbit that is about 10 years old.  I just noticed today that her behaviour seemed off.  She is constantly sitting up then laying right back down again, stretching out and just looking generally uncomfortable.  Every so often her stomach appears as if she's breathing very heavily and she makes a soft grunt noise.  Since it is Sunday I can't get a hold of her vet and there are no emergency vets in my area that take care of rabbits.  What should I do to help her?

Dear Lindsay,

When something like this happens, refer to this for emergency help:

(This is listed on my instructions page, but you might have missed it.)

Abdominal pain like this can be caused by many different things, including gas.  It would not hurt to give her some pediatric simethicone and a gentle tummy massage, as described here:

But the problem might NOT be gas, so it's very important that you get her to a good rabbit vet ASAP:

if the condition has not resolved by now.
