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spraying from a neutered rabbit

22 11:17:30

Help. We have a 4 year old Holland Lop who was neutered as a baby.  About 2 months ago he starting spraying what seems all day. He has stuffed animals in his cage, which he has also had for years. Suddenly, he behaves as if they are a very much alive female rabbit. What should we do, he is humping and spraying all day. Should we remove his toys? That seems cruel as he really loves them, however I can no long tolerate the behavior and the smell. Thanks for your help.

Dear Sharon,

When I saw your subject line, I thought to myself, "I'll bet this is a Holland Lop", and sure enough!

However, if he's just started this behavior recently after four years of quietude, I would worry about a health problem (e.g., a pituitary tumor?) causing this surge in testosterone.

Please find a good rabbit vet here:

who can help you get to the bottom of this mystery.  It could just be the ol' Holland Lop Super Sex Drive, but it's good to rule out health causes, just to be safe.

Hope this helps.
