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Bunny has been to the vet, still some problems.

22 9:46:38

Hello Dana,
My almost 9 month old Dutch rabbit suffered from GI stasis caused by a foreign body that had caused a blockage and had to be surgically removed from his stomach. The vet had him on Baytril and Reglan for s week after the surgery. He was fine, but a few days after the last Baytril dose he suffered from diarrhea (I think he had mucosal enteritis because some of his poops were encased in a jelly like goo. He never had totally liquid poop either.)so the vet had us stop the Reglan and put him on Metronidazole, and I found some probiotics for him. He is still on the probiotics, but almost through the antibiotic.) Poops are normal now but when I was cleaning up from the sticky poos I noticed that he seems to have infected ingrown hairs or something around his genitals. They are white, not red. Also, his vents were gross so they had to be wiped out. Is there anything I can do to fix this? Vet won't put him on another antibiotic (I can see why) but is there anything else I can do to help my bunn? Also, he has come through all this with his personality and energy mostly the same, but he lost a lot of weight; is there anything I can feed him to bring it back without restarting the mushy poos? he's eating hay and pellets now.
Any help or advice you can give would be greatly appreciated.

Dear Hanna

After what your poor little guy has been through, it's not surprising that he might have some residual problems with his GI tract.

It sounds as if he's on the mend.  You might help boost his recovery by giving some probiotics (I don't use them, but some people swear by Benebac; can't hurt, might help.)

The ingrown hairs around his genitals are not uncommon.  They're just little sebaceous "white heads" that probably don't cause any problems.  Ask your vet to have a look to be sure none of them are infected.  

If he has a messy bottom, please see:


I hope this helps, and that he's fully recovered soon.
