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10yr old rabbit, itching - has skin tags?

22 9:55:20

I rescued a white rabbit about 10yrs ago from a chihuahua in my front yard. The bunny has been healthy on bagged pellets from pet store, raw carrot, or lettuce, or yard trimmings for roughage.  Is friendly and active. Several months ago started licking, not chewing, himself. I checked him and found what appears to be 'skin tags'on his back; when I pet or lightly brush him he licks the air or my hand,there are more 'tags' now than 6 months ago. I realize he's pretty old at 10.  What might the 'tags' be and any cure?

Dear Rosalyn,

If the tags are itchy, then they are probably due to something that needs to be examined by a good rabbit vet:

It could be fleas, mites, fungus, or any number of other skin conditions that bunnies might get.  I cannot even begin to make a guess without seeing it in person.  Please see:

for a bit more detail on common skin disorders in bunnies. But get that bun to a good rabbit vet for a wellness check, and to see if this is something that needs treatment with Revolution or other medication.

I hope this helps.
