Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > hates to be picked up!

hates to be picked up!

22 11:24:01

hiya! i just wondered if you could help me with my bunny, ive had him since he was a baby, hes a typical "male" rabbit if you know what i mean! But he just hates to be picked up at all! it doesnt matter which way i hold him or even if i am sat on the floor when holding or carring him he just hates it! He kicks, bites my jumper and chatters his teeth at me.Ive also noticed while holding him he puts his head higher than mine. (as if to show  hes in charge!!!)  He has always not liked to be held but its getting a lot worse and is becoming a problem when i need to take him to the vets or put him in his run. is there any way i can train him to be held? do you have any tips on handeling him? otherwise he is a lovely rabbit who is lively and happy! any help would be appreciated! thanks x

Well, to me he is saying, don't pick me up!  Rabbits in general don't like to be picked up, because in the wild when they were picked up was right before they became dinner food.

So my suggestion would be, don't pick him up.

Now you are right, on occasion you will have to.  Can you train him to go into the carrier?  Lure him in with a treat?  That way you could let him get into the carrier, then carry it to the run and let him out, then get him back the same way.  Then at the vet's, it's their problem to get him out.

I know this may not be what you want to hear, but he is very forcefully telling you he does not want to be picked up, and he would like you to respect his wishes.
