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My Bunnys pooping red pellets.

22 9:48:22

My rabbit Pikachu is a male mini rex he is a little older than a year. A couple days ago he started pooping this dull red, it also smells really bad. I want to know why he is pooping red.


if he's acting normal, eating normal and drinking normal, appearing to be in normal spirits and health, it's whatever that is in his food.  Natural pigments or artificial colors in whatever he's eating and/or drinking.  

the only pellets they expel that have any smell to them are cecal pellets - which they normally eat. If he's not eating his cecal pellets you need to get to the vet.

If they appear to be regular waste pellets (fecal pellets) that are not shaped right, are covered in mucus, etc, you need to get ot the vet right away.

If he is not acting normal, it's time for your good regular rabbit vet. Not eating or drinking normal, not moving around normal, it's time for the vet to check him out.  Bring samples of the pellets so they can test them for certain problems.

If you need a good rabbit vet around you go to:

to find a House Rabbit Society recommended vet near you.