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lop eared bunny and lilly stamens

22 9:48:21

Hi there
I have just walked into my living room and found my lop eared bunny rabbit has dragged the only Lilly from a vase of flowers that I hadn't cut the stamens out of. His mouth is all yellow so I know that he has digested some, but not a lot.
I have been told that these are poisonous to not only cats but rabbits also.
Can you please advise.
Kind regards

Hi Frances,

yes, lilies are poisonous to all rabbits.  And as a general rule, if you are unsure, assume that it is poisonous until you know for certain, otherwise.

Here's are 2 web site pages that keep track of known poisonous plants for rabbits:

If you have some activated charcoal in your house you should get a syringe feeder and make a activated charcoal thin paste and feed it to him.  At least 5 mL.

I'd then get him to your good regular rabbit vet immediately, call ahead and let them know what happened and what you've given him.  Then get there as soon as physically possible.
