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my doe...

22 11:07:23

hi I'm writing to ask if it really matters if the does vulva is red or pink to breed her? my doe is a mini lop and she is almost 6 months old i am planning to breed her to my male on the 28 th of Jan to be ready for Easter because i have some families who want a rabbit for their son.i have the rabbits in a split cage and they really enjoy each others company and i think they both want to breed but her vulva is still pink!!!I'm really confused and sorry the letter is so  long but I'm desperate!!!!PLEASE HELP:) thank you and God Bless!

If you only have one home lined up for the babies, I would highly suggest not breeding them for Easter. Easter rabbits, more than those sold at any other time of the year other than Christmas, are dumped along the roadside or in an animal shelter more often. This is especially true when they are purchased for a child, as when the child tires of them, the parents no longer want to take care of them.

I beg you to please read my story about rabbits sold as pets during the holidays:

I also would advise against breeding unless both parents are pedigreed purebreds that were sold as show or breeding quality stock. This is because any that are not pedigreed or that were not sold as show or breeding quality stock may be carrying some very bad genes that can be passed on to the offspring. Things like seizures, crooked teeth (which have to be clipped for the rabbit's entire life), babies that die at a very young age, blindness, and other problems can be hidden in the genes of the parents only to be passed on to the babies.

However, if you still want to breed, the vulva does not have to be bright pink or red to breed. However, if it is not, she is less likely to breed and get pregnant. There is still a chance she will, but it is not as high as if you breed when the vulva is bright pink or red.