Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Baby dwarf lops

Baby dwarf lops

22 10:28:48

Hi,i went to clean the hutch out today and noticed many babies buried under all the bedding and straw.Do i handle them?Do i leave them out with the mother outside?I am not sure how to look after them to be honest,any advice.

hello lucy

congrats on the litter, hope there all well and healthy.

Usually mummy rabbits make there nest in the secure part of the hutch but if your bunny is looking after the babies well then theres no need to move them. You can start handling the babies at about one week old when there eyes start to open and start to move out of the nest. If you think that your bunny is not looking after them and you really need to check them then i suggest that you rub your hands loads in the cage bedding so that you smell of the bunny,if you dont do this then there is a chance that your bunny will hurt of even kill the babies.

If there is any problems and your bunny stops feeding them then let me know as i can give you loads os advice on what to do.

hope this helps

good luck
