Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > HELPPP my bunnies sniffles wont go away!!

HELPPP my bunnies sniffles wont go away!!

22 10:18:35

my little bunny I got her a month ago shes about 3 months old and when I got her she had the sniffles so I gave her antibiotics and then it seems as soon as she was getting better she got them again! So I went to a vet and found out she needs paper bedding instead of cider, so i did that, ive cleaned the cage and I'm giving her more antibiotics, we're on the 5th day and its seems as if shes getting worse even, although it was at night and I did leave the window open and its very cold, could taht have anything to do with it? Also she only has little white discharge from her nose and make a little squeaking and sometimes clicking noise when shes having a bad reaction. Yet shes eating very well and playing lots and sleeping lots too.... I need help I'm so worried, is there anything you can tell me???

ANSWER: Dear Rachel,

Your bunny may have pneumonia if she's making little noises when she breathes, and this means she needs more aggressive therapy, including nebulization with antibiotics.  Be sure the vet you see is experienced with rabbits.  You can find one here:

Write back to me with the name of the antibiotic your bunny is getting, and I'll be better able to help with some suggestions.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Enrofloxacin is the antibiotic and I'm pretty sure the doctors is experienced with rabbits....

Dear Rachel,

Enrofloxacin is safe, and a good first choice for this problem.  But if the condition isn't improving after treatment, or just comes back, then it's time for a culture and sensitivity test:

to see if there are any other antibiotics that might help.  Also, combining amikacin with enrofloxacin can be very effective against many of the pathogens that cause respiratory infections.  

A chest radiograph will reveal whether she has pneumonia, and if she does, I would ask about nebulizing her with amikacin, aminophylline, and acetylcysteine, which will help kill the bacteria, open her airways, and loosen the mucus that's making it hard for her to breathe.

Please also read:

I hope she'll be better soon!
