Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > rabbit sickness: crusty ears

rabbit sickness: crusty ears

22 9:58:46

QUESTION: hay my rabbit which is a lop she is about 2 years old and at about 4-5 pounds has some weird sickness even though i am not sure if it is a sickness but in side her ears she has some yellow red stuff that looks like when salt is mixed water and it is dried up and it is hard and scratchy and i am not sure if it can be cured do you know anything that can help.

ANSWER: Dear Max,

I can't be sure without seeing it, but this sounds like ear canker. This is caused by parasitic mites, and is easily and safely treated with Revolution (selamectin) from your vet.  DO NOT use Frontline, which is deadly to rabbits.

For more information (and pictures), please see:

and find a good rabbit vet here:

Hope this helps.


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QUESTION: okay thanks but can this be treated with out a vet like can i go and buy the medicine like i petsmart or any other store?

ANSWER: Dear Max,

Over the counter medications are not safe for rabbits, no matter what the label might say.  And treating with just mineral oil to remove the crusts might help with the symptoms, but it will not cure the problem.

If you have a pet, you need to be committed to providing appropriate medical care when necessary.  And right now, it is VERY necessary for your rabbit.  I know you love him, so please get him to a good rabbit vet for treatment ASAP, even if you need to work out a payment plan.

Please do the right thing, for the love of your rabbit.


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QUESTION: hay you said that it can be treated with mineral oil is it like original oil or is it like some special oil?

Dear Max,

No, I didn't say it can be treated with mineral oil.  I said that you could get the crusts off with mineral oil.  Not the same thing.

But mineral oil is the same as baby oil, which is available at most supermarkets or drug stores.

Good luck,
